
There are so many things that we wish we had done yesterday, so few that we feel like doing today.
~Mignon McLaughlin

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Bulan Depan, Tol Pejagan-Pemalang Disebut Siap Beroperasi

Bulan Depan, Tol Pejagan-Pemalang Disebut Siap Beroperasi

Kuntoro Tayubi    •    19 April 2016 20:30 WIB

Bulan Depan, Tol Pejagan-Pemalang Disebut Siap Beroperasi
Jalan Tol Pejagan-Pemalang sesi I dan II di Brebes, Jawa Tengah siap beroperasi bulan Mei mendatang. (Metotvnews.com/Kuntoro Tayubi)
Metrotvnews.com, Brebes: Jalan Tol Pejagan-Pemalang, Jawa Tengah, sesi I dan II di Brebes siap dioperasikan bulan depan. Jalur dipastikan bisa dilalui saat arus mudik dan balik musim lebaran 2016.
Meski belum sepenuhnya tersambung hingga Pemalang, namun bisa melayani pemakai kendaraan hingga Brebes bagian timur. Berbagai persiapan terus dilakukan pihak kepolisian setempat dengan membangun pos pengamanan di pintu keluar tol yang berada di wilayah hukum Polres Brebes.
Kasatlantas Polres Brebes, AKP Arfan Zulkhan Sipayung mengatakan, persiapan tersebut dilakukan terutama menjelang arus mudik lebaran 2016. Jalur Tol Pejagan-Pemalang, kata dia, siap dioperasikan pada Mei mendatang untuk menampung kendaraan pemudik.
“Jalan sepanjang dua puluh kilometer ini juga secara teknis sudah mencapai seratus persen. Pihak pengelola jalan tol Pejagan-Pemalang, juga tengah menjalani uji kalayakan kualitas jalan,” kata Sipayung, Selasa (19/4/2016).
Sipayung menjelaskan, untuk mempermudah akses para pungguna jalan di jalur ini disediakan tiga pintu keluar. Yaitu di ruas Pejagan, Klampok, dan Kaligangsa atau Brebes Timur. Tiga pintu keluar tol ini nantinya juga difungsikan untuk rekayasa lalu lintas ketika terjadi kepadatan di dalam tol saat arus mudik lebaran.

Pintu keluar Brebes Timur pada ruas Tol Pejagan-Pemalang. (Metrotvnews.com/Kuntoro Tayubi)
“Untuk kenyamanan pengguna jalan, pengelola jalur Tol Pejagan-Pemalang sesi I dan II ini menyediakan satu tempat rest area seluas satu hektar,” ungkapnya. 

Wednesday, 20 April 2016


Rainmeter is the best known and most popular desktop customization program for Windows. Enhance your Windows computer at home or work with skins; handy, compact applets that float freely on your desktop. Rainmeter skins provide you with useful information at a glance. It's easy to keep an eye on your system resources, like memory and battery power, or your online data streams, including email, RSS feeds, and weather forecasts.
Many skins are even functional: they can record your notes and to-do lists, launch your favorite applications, control your media player - all in a clean, unobtrusive interface that you can rearrange and customize to your liking.
There are thousands and thousands of skins available, crafted by a large and ever-growing community of Rainmeter users.
Rainmeter is not just an application, it is a robust toolkit. Create and modify your own skins in a simple language that's easy to learn, with the help of our extensive documentation, getting started guide and skin tutorials. Skins call upon measures, a set of powerful built-in modules that do all the heavy lifting, and create interactive meters to display that information however you decide. In this way, Rainmeter brings productive innovation together with creative artistry like no other platform of its kind.
Rainmeter is a community. People in our forums are always happy to help you get started or answer questions. Over the last few years, a thriving community has built up around Rainmeter, as average users freely contribute their own original skins, their generous knowledge and support, and their inspirational ideas to a project whose scope and capabilities are constantly expanding.
Rainmeter is designed for YOUR system. Rainmeter uses very little CPU and RAM resources, has a tiny space footprint, and will run perfectly well on any hardware using Windows XP through Windows 10.

Rainmeter is free and open source. Rainmeter is open source software distributed free of charge under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 license. If you want to get involved, check the Rainmeter GitHub repository.

Hatsune Miku


All of you know what they are the vocaloids, software applications of syntheses of voice capable of singing. Yamaha Corporation started to developing the technology in the year 2000, in collaboration with the Music Technology Group of the University Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona, Spain. The software vocaloid provides to the user the aptitude to synthesize songs simply contributing the lyrics and the melody. It mixes and processes vocal fragments extracted from the human voices in the shape of vocal registers, which have been before recorded and stored in a bank of sonorous data. The technology was announced by the first time in March, 2003, and the first vocaloids were to sale justly one year after. Crypton Future Media launches in 2004 its first Vocaloid, Meiko. Five vocaloids were launched between the year 2004 and 2006.

In the year 2007 the new technology is announced, vocaloid 2. Crypton decides that for this new generation its vocaloid must to be different, it musn't to limit itself to being a simple product of software, so they realize an enormous effort in the creation of its new vocaloid. Not only they offer an improved software, so that present an elaborated image, and a concept that it gives a history to the vocaloid. This does that, unlike his predecessors, Hatsune Miku is not a simple software product, so it's practically a character with an image and a history to tell. A new concept of vocaloid is born, the first virtual singer is born: Hatsune Miku.

Crypton, originally had thought establish vocaloid 2 CV-01 Hatsune Miku product, on a market extrictily professional; only would sell it to music producers and professional musicians, but, under the surprise of Crypton, Miku not only got a place on a market to users, so she gets to be established on a market to "otakus". This was overcoming the Crypton's expectations about the sale of its new product, but the thing don't stop there, Miku starts to becoming immensly popular in japan, and after, his reputation cross the frontiers conquering the entire world. Hatsune Miku, the first virtual singer, had turned into the first virtual DIVA, entering in the history of the music.

Sunday, 17 April 2016


Bio ........♥#########♥

|̲̅̅●̲̅|Alvie Rahmania :
██|̲̅̅●̲̅|Anti Rasisme
████|̲̅̅●̲̅|Anti Terorisme
██████|̲̅̅●̲̅|Anti Intimidasi
████████|̲̅̅●̲̅|Anti Narkoba
██████████|̲̅̅●̲̅|Anti Korupsi
████████████|̲̅̅●̲̅|Anti Kedzaliman
██████████████|̲̅̅●̲̅|Anti Sex Pra Nikah
████████████████|̲̅̅●̲̅|Anti Minuman Keras
██████████████████|̲̅̅●̲̅|Berfaham Moderat
████████████████████|̲̅̅●̲̅|Beraliran Romantisme
██████████████████████|̲̅̅●̲̅|GemarSegala Seni
█████████████████████████|̲̅̅●̲̅|̲̅̅●̲̅|Cinta damai

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Haruz Me-manage Hari Esox...

Cintailah kekasihmu sekedarnya saja, siapa tahu nanti akan jadi musuhmu. Dan bencilah musuhmu sekedarnya saja, siapa tahu nanti akan jadi kekasihmu.

Sebuah penyesalan, walaupun itu penyesalan yang kecil akan tetap berakibat menusuk ke perasaan.

Yang Hidup Pasti Akan Merasakan Mati Tapi Tidak Semua Yang Bernyawa Benar - Benar Hidup

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Ini Jenis-jenis Pemodifikasi, Anda yang Mana?

Minggu, 10 April 2016 | 18:02 WIB

Jakarta, Kompas Otomotif – Di dalam dunia modifikasi ada kelas yang membedakan kualitas para pelakunya. Saat seminar “Modificators and Trimmer Goal” digelar di Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS), Minggu (10/4/2016), salah satu poinnya menjelaskan tentang perbedaan kualitas itu.
Ukuran paling baku untuk standar produk modifikasi, adalah dari kualitas Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). Juga dikenal sebagai produk yang diakui agen tunggal pemegang merek (ATPM) sebagai pemasok sesuai standar produk industri.
Narasumber presentasi, President Premium Material Indonesia Oscar Widjaja, membagi jenis pemodifikasi menjadi empat kuadran. Keempatnya bukan tumpang tindih, namun masing-masing punya karakter sendiri.
Pertama, kata Oscar, yaitu tempat pemodifikasi yang punya keahlian rendah dan menghasilkan produk dengan tingkat kerumitannya masih jauh di bawah OEM. Tempat ini biasanya diisi para pemula.
Kedua, yaitu level kerumitan tetap rendah namun sudah menghasilkan produk standar OEM. “Jadi sudah seperti OEM atau standar keluaran pabrik. Misalnya, model jok ya begitu saja, tapi jahitannya bagus banget,” kata Oscar.
Tempat ketiga dihuni kebanyakan pemodifikasi di Indonesia. Tempat ini bernaung para pemodifikasi yang belajar secara “otodidak” dan mendapatkan skill tinggi, namun cara mengerjakannya belum tepat.
“Tempat itu orangnya suka mengeksplorasi, kebanyakan otodidak tapi tidak teredukasi dengan tepat, teorinya engga ada. Jadi kebanyakan terjebak di sini. Kompleksitas tinggi tapi belum proper kerjainnya. Jago tapi belum profesional,”  ujar Oscar yang mengaku telah 12 tahun ada di kuadran ketiga.
Keempat yakni tempat tuner, artinya dInilai dari skill dan tingkat pengerjaannya sudah sesuai dengan OEM. Pemodifikasi level ini sudah bisa membuat produk OEM dan menjual produknya sendiri.
“Jadi inilah tujuannya seminar ini, saya mau mengajak mereka masuk ke kuadran keempat. Bangga akan produk sendiri.  Trimmer itu ada di kuadran tiga, sedangkan tuner di empat,” papar Oscar.
Penulis: Febri Ardani Saragih
Editor: Agung Kurniawan

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Best practices for reviewing products you've received for free

The latest from Blogger Buzz

Best practices for reviewing products you've received for free

3 weeks ago by A Googler
Editor's note: This post was cross posted from the Google Webmaster Central Blog.

As a form of online marketing, some companies today will send bloggers free products to review or give away in return for a mention in a blogpost. Whether you’re the company supplying the product or the blogger writing the post, below are a few best practices to ensure that this content is both useful to users and compliant with Google Webmaster Guidelines.

  1. Use the nofollow tag where appropriate

    Links that pass PageRank in exchange for goods or services are against Google guidelines on link schemes. Companies sometimes urge bloggers to link back to:
    1. the company’s site
    2. the company’s social media accounts
    3. an online merchant’s page that sells the product
    4. a review service’s page featuring reviews of the product
    5. the company’s mobile app on an app store

Bloggers should use the nofollow tag on all such links because these links didn’t come about organically (i.e., the links wouldn’t exist if the company hadn’t offered to provide a free good or service in exchange for a link). Companies, or the marketing firms they’re working with, can do their part by reminding bloggers to use nofollow on these links.

  1. Disclose the relationship

    Users want to know when they’re viewing sponsored content. Also, there are laws in some countries that make disclosure of sponsorship mandatory. A disclosure can appear anywhere in the post; however, the most useful placement is at the top in case users don’t read the entire post.
  2. Create compelling, unique content

    The most successful blogs offer their visitors a compelling reason to come back. If you're a blogger you might try to become the go-to source of information in your topic area, cover a useful niche that few others are looking at, or provide exclusive content that only you can create due to your unique expertise or resources.

For more information, please drop by our Google Webmaster Central Help Forum.

Posted by the Google Webspam Team
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